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12 March 13, 05:56
Kaat+ - %D0%92%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8B+%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%BD+ (2013)
Artist: Kaat
Album: Вечны Сон
Year: 2013
Style: Depressive Black Metal, Ambient
Country: Беларусь
01. Блуканне 06:09
02. Вечны Сон 10:00
03. Мёртваму Сонцу 03:12
04. Невядомасць 07:56
05. Сон I 04:35
06. Сон II 05:04
07. Сон III: У Цемру 04:38
08. Самотнасць.. Роспач (Nocturnal Depression Cover) 07:26
09. Да Нябесау (Bonus Track) 06:58
10 March 13, 11:10
Hisst%C3%B6nend - II (2013)
Artist: Hisstönend
Album: II
Year: 2013
Style: Atmospheric Black Metal
Country: Россия
1. Forest Gates 02:56
2. Glacial Monument 09:49
3. Eternal Shining 06:12
4. Whisper’s Cry 08:00
5. Dissonance Bird’s Song 05:37
6. In The Depths Of Forest Abyss 17:28
10 March 13, 04:49
Beyond+Ye+Grave+ - Ester+Panim (2012)
Artist: Beyond Ye Grave
Album: Ester Panim
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal, Death Metal
Country: Россия
1. Inquisitor’s Bliss
2. Hankering for the Dead
3. Ester Panim
4. Dreadful Morning
5. Bottomless Chalice
6. The Punisher
7. Delirium Nocturnum
8. Drunk Funeral
9 March 13, 09:01
++Windbruch - No+Stars%2C+Only+Full+Dark+ (2013)
Artist: Windbruch
Album: No Stars, Only Full Dark
Year: 2013
Style: Atmospheric Black Metal, Ambient
Country: Россия
01. The Dance of Liquid Fire
02. No More Entry, No More Exit
03. No Stars
04. A City on Fire
05. Only Full Dark
06. Neswa-Pawuk
07. Flashback to My Lake
9 March 13, 01:57
Njiqahdda+ - Firmaments+And+The+Upper+Air (2013)
Artist: Njiqahdda
Album: Firmaments And The Upper Air
Year: 2013
Style: Psychedelic /Atmospheric Black Metal /Ambient
Country: США
1. Oscillion
2. The Five Waves
3. Old Man Of The Sea
8 March 13, 01:53
ObscureDream - Rise...+New+Empire+ (2013)
Artist: ObscureDream
Album: Rise... New Empire
Year: 2013
Style: Melodic Black Metal
Country: Китай
01. Dead Rising (Intro) 01:25
02. New Messiah 03:05
03. Chapter I- Wake 03:35
04. Reborn 04:02
05. Austurias 02:37
06. ValhallA 04:31
07. Night Raid 04:00
08. Masters Of War 05:21
09. Plague 03:59
10. Farewell To My Concubine (霸王别姬) 04:23
11. Asgard 03:47
7 March 13, 06:56
Mysticum - +In+The+Streams+Of+Inferno+%5BReissue%5D+ (2013)
Artist: Mysticum
Album: In The Streams Of Inferno [Reissue]
Year: 2013
Style: Industrial Black Metal
Country: Норвегия
1. Industries of Inferno (1:12)
2. The Rest Mysticum (4:27)
3. Kingdom Comes (4:57)
4. Wintermass (5:48)
5. Crypt of Fear (6:17)
6. Where the Raven Flies (4:16)
7. In Your Grave (3:42)
8. In the Last of the Ruins We Search for a New Planet (5:32)
9. Eriaminell (4:36)
10. Black Magic Mushrooms (4:26)
5 March 13, 05:01
Jute+Gyte - Discontinuities+ (2013)
Artist: Jute Gyte
Album: Discontinuities
Year: 2013
Style: Avant-Garde Black Metal / Experimental
Country: США
1.The Haunting Sense of an Unrepeatable Unidirectional Vector 10:22
2.Night Is the Collaborator of Torturers 08:40
3.Romanticism Is Ultimately Fatal 09:30
4.Discontinuities 05:39
5.Supreme Fictions and the Absolute Fake 08:32
6.The Failure of Transmutation 10:41
7.Acedia 09:14
5 March 13, 03:30
Jan - Vampire+Ampire (2012)
Artist: Jan
Album: Vampire Ampire
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Германия
01. Der Weg Ist Das Ziel 02:55
02. Das Universum Erwacht 02:20
03. The Girl In My Tree 02:09
04. You Will Come 03:30
05. Das Ist Mein Reich 04:22
06. Vorboten Der Schlacht 02:34
07. Stummer Schrei 05:22
08. Der Leib Stirbt Nicht 01:16
09. Hier Im Felde 05:01
10. Follow Me 02:09
11. Ein Schrei, Ein Lachen 04:05
12. I Am A Thief 05:47
13. Into The Sign Of Pentagram 04:09
14. Zorn Schmeckt Bitterlich 03:20
15. Wenn Man Standhaft Ist 02:13
16. Ich Weiss Wer Du Bist 03:35
17. Es Schmilzt Das Eis 02:34
18. Im Schatten 01:18
19. Enslaved By The Coin 02:48
20. The Egons Got Your Soul 02:03
21. Firestorm 02:01
22. Macht Des Windes Und Des Sturms 01:06
23. The Forgotten One 03:14
24. Nidda Und Ich 01:13
25. Untitled 01:13
4 March 13, 04:28
Agrypnie+ - Aetas+Cineris+ (2013)
Artist: Agrypnie
Album: Aetas Cineris
Year: 2013
Style: Atmospheric / Melodic Black Metal
Country: Германия
1. Trümmer / Aetas Cineris
2. Dezember
3. Gnōsis
4. Zurück
5. Kosmos [Alpha]
6. Erwachen
7. Sinnflut
8. Asche
27 February 13, 09:29
Avakr - A+Word+From+Within (2013)
Artist: Avakr
Album: A Word From Within
Year: 2013
Style: Black Metal
Country: США
01. The Sight Of A Thousand Fires Illuminating The Valley 12:40
02. A Word From Within 08:27
03. Last Day Of Autumn 02:21
04. A Cleansing Ritual In Hopes Of Summoning Rain 10:56
27 February 13, 03:30
Dood+ - Luciferian+Manifest (2013)
Artist: Dood
Album: Luciferian Manifest
Year: 2013
Style: Black Metal
Country: Нидерланды
01. Intro 02:00
02. Invocation 03:45
03. Ave Satana 02:45
04. Bliksem 01:06
05. Mental Frost 04:14
06. Satanic Enchantments 05:10
07. Luciferian Manifest 05:49
08. In The Shadow Of The Horns (Darkthrone cover) 07:08
09. Fimbulwinter 03:33
10. Satana, Inventor Et Magister Omnis Fallaciae 05:46
11. The Edge 03:51
12. Gateway To… 05:31
26 February 13, 10:23
Moon+ - The+Nine+Gates+ (2013)
Artist: Moon
Album: The Nine Gates
Year: 2013
Style: Occult / Atmospheric Black Metal
Country: Австралия
1. The Rejection of Flesh 02:25
2. Inhale Darkness 08:23
3. Poison From the Abyss 05:39
4. Sabbat 04:19
5. Astral Blood 04:03
6. Lillu Drowning 07:27
7. Spiritless Winds 02:32
8. Gate of the Moon 09:40
26 February 13, 06:37
Ramon+ - Contundente+Final+ (2012)
Artist: Ramon
Album: Contundente Final
Year: 2012
Style: Thrash Metal, Black Metal
Country: Колумбия
01. Primitiva Venganza (Instrumental) 04:05
02. Colapsar Al Sistema 04:20
03. Metal Es Muerte 02:12
04. Ultrametal 03:05
05. Magos Del Intento 03:16
06. Contundente Final 03:40
07. Oh Musica 02:32
08. Plan Del Ahora 01:36
09. Vacio Del Umbral 02:29
10. Luz En Sombra 02:40
11. Guerrero De Paz 03:22
12. Santo Demonio 03:16
13. Guerrero De Este Mundo 03:10
14. Empalemos Los Espectros 01:36
25 February 13, 23:04
Rotting+Christ++ - Kata+Ton+Daimona+%5BDigipak+Edition%5D (2013)
Artist: Rotting Christ
Album: Kata Ton Daimona [Digipak Edition]
Year: 2013
Style: Dark Metal / Black Metal
Country: Greece
01. In Yumen - Xibalba (06:25)
02. P unchaw kachun - Tuta kachun (04:44)
03. Grandis Spiritus Diavolos (05:52)
04. Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy (04:52)
05. Cine iubeste si lasa (05:58)
06. Iwa Voodoo (04:36)
07. Gilgames (04:02)
08. Русалка (04:33)
09. Ahura Mazda-Anra Mainiuu (04:44)
10. X .. (05:46)
11. Welcome To Hell (Bonus Track) (04:28)

Rotting Christ — греческая дарк/блэк-метал-группа, созданная в Афинах в 1987 году. Является одной из самых известных рок-групп Греции. Основатели и неизменные участники группы — братья Некромайхем. В 1996 году в группу вошёл басист Андреас Лагиос, а в 2005 — гитарист Гиоргос Бокос.
Эта существующая уже два десятилетия группа начинала с музыки в жанре блэк-метал, но в последних альбомах перешла в большей степени к дарк-металу, почти отказавшись от блэка, но не от своего экстремального звучания.
25 February 13, 10:02
Jewish+Juice - Fourt+Reich (2012)
Artist: Jewish Juice
Album: Fourt Reich
Year: 2012
Style: NS Black Metal
Country: Италия
01 Blitzkrieg (04:53)
02 Stalingrado (04:22)
03 Linea Gotica (07:22)
04 Quarto Reich (02:15)
05 Thule (06:43)
06 The Clash Of The Titans (06:48)
20 February 13, 03:11
Armaggedon - +S.H.+666+%5BThe+Awakening+Of+The+Baphomet%E2%80%99s+Einsatzgruppen%5D+ (2013)
Artist: Armaggedon
Album: S.H. 666 [The Awakening Of The Baphomet’s Einsatzgruppen]
Year: 2013
Style: Black Metal
Country: Франция
01. Totenkopf (Evil Blitzkrieg Wrath) 04:07
02. Northern Death Legion 03:39
03. Daemon’s Supremacy 04:26
04. Sieg Heil 666 (The Awakening of the Baphomet’s Einsatzgruppen) 04:16
05. Gegen die Rote Pest 04:11
06. Moonspell Rites 06:10
07. Juden Raus… Stench of the Nazarene 04:06
08. Le Chant du Diable 02:36
18 February 13, 04:52
Totale+Vernichtung+ - Feuerbestattung+ (2012)
Artist: Totale Vernichtung
Album: Feuerbestattung
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Австрия
01. Ein Blitz Kommt Selten Allein 04:50
02. Die Stacheldrahtzieher 04:38
03. Auf Stillgelegten Gleisen 03:28
04. Das Blaue Wunder 03:27
05. Feuerbestattung 05:54
06. Blick Aus Dem Wachturm 02:28
07. Missionarische Soldaten 01:38
08. Der Verheerende Zyklon 04:26
16 February 13, 04:34
Hallig - 13+Keys+To+Lunacy (2012)
Artist: Hallig
Album: 13 Keys To Lunacy
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Германия
01. If I Am The Storm 05:44
02. Hadaler Traum 06:03
03. Reinvigoration 08:14
04. Am Firmament 05:27
05. Epiphany 06:33
06. Nichts Als Stille 04:56
07. Unter Menschen 04:21
08. 13 Keys 07:43
14 February 13, 20:42
Door+Into+Emptiness - Sviata+ (2012)
Artist: Door Into Emptiness
Album: Sviata
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Беларусь
1.Častka pieršaja: Jon rascie
2.Častka druhaja: Jany
3.Častka treciaja: Zrok
4.Častka čacviertaja: Va ŭsie baki
5.Častka piataja: Unutry
6.Častka šostaja: Sviata
12 February 13, 09:57
Nightrite+ - Black+Moon+Rituals+ (2013)
Artist: Nightrite
Album: Black Moon Rituals
Year: 2013
Style: Raw Occult Black Metal
Country: Украина
01. Black Moon Rituals 03:32
02. Witchery 04:06
03. Sacrifice In The Name Of Satan 03:41
04. Qayin Messor 04:02
05. Flere Calvaria 04:29
06. Infernal Catharsis 03:56
07. Naam-Kha-Zod 04:30
08. Outro 02:18
12 February 13, 08:10
++The+Konstellation - Order+Of+The+Universe+ (2012)
Artist: The Konstellation
Album: Order Of The Universe
Year: 2012
Style: Avant-garde, Death Metal, Black Metal
Country: Венгрия
1. Macrocosmos 05:09
2. Surrounded by Smoke 04:51
3. Juggernaut 04:21
4. Creation 04:32
5. New Horizon 06:30
6. Ancient Chaos 01:31
7. Reality Undone 04:03
8. The Anger Source 04:50
9. Three Fingers 04:50
10. The Tunnel 03:38
9 February 13, 08:15
Briargh+%26+Xeri%C3%B3n+%26+Sentimen+Beltza+%26+Doom+Of+Valyria - Pagan+Spirit (2012)
Artist: Briargh & Xerión & Sentimen Beltza & Doom Of Valyria
Album: Pagan Spirit
Year: 2012
Style: Neo-Folk, Pagan Metal, Black Metal, Folk Metal
Country: Испания
01 Briargh - Antes De La Tempestad (04:04)
02 Briargh - ... Alavno (05:35)
03 Briargh - Cult Of The Ancient Oak (Arms Of The Mother) (04:32)
04 Xerión - Choiva Nas Pedras Da Citania (04:39)
05 Xerión - Sortilexios Da Noite Tremerosa (05:12)
06 Xerión - Ladaíñas Do Meu Tormento (05:03)
07 Sentimen Beltza - Arrastraria (Harrizko Basoak) (05:49)
08 Sentimen Beltza - Beltzez Margotutako Lainoak (03:12)
09 Sentimen Beltza - Iluntasunean... (08:32)
10 Doom Of Valyria - The Others (05:20)
11 Doom Of Valyria - Valyria (05:36)
12 Doom Of Valyria - Feast For Crows (04:26)
8 February 13, 05:39
Mystic+Forest+ - In+The+End%E2%80%A6+ (2012)
Artist: Mystic Forest
Album: In The End…
Year: 2012
Style: Melodic Black Metal, Folk Metal
Country: Франция
1. In the End 06:18
2. As I Peered Down from My Window Pane 03:38
3. Deviation 05:09
4. A Desperate Endeavor 04:41
5. To Cross This Frigid Expanse Ever Wide 04:24
6. My Blood Mingled with the Earths Crust 03:54
7. Within a Blackened Tower 06:14
8. Have You Seen the Waverly Child 05:27
8 February 13, 04:31
Avangard+ - North+Wind (2013)
Artist: Avangard
Album: North Wind
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Neo-Classical Metal, Black Metal
Country: Россия
01. Part I 05:26
02. Part II 04:09
03. Part III 03:17
04. Part IV 02:48
05. Part V 07:22
06. Part VI 05:53
07. Part VII 03:54
08. Part VIII 03:43
09. Midnight (Joe Satriani Cover) 01:39
7 February 13, 17:21
VA+ - D%C3%A9croissance+ (2013)
Artist: VA
Album: Décroissance
Year: 2013
Style: Neo-Classical, Pagan Metal, Black Metal, Folk Metal
Country: Various
01 Arcthuris - As Autumn Bears Its May Score (02:11)
02 Iron Woods - Samhain Night (08:20)
03 Barbarossa Umtrunk - Thule Gesellschaft (04:14)
04 Frozen Ocean - Somewhere Clouds Debark (06:40)
05 Sorcier des Glaces - L'Éternelle Majesté Des Montagnes (05:59)
06 Stormheit - Channelling The Spirit Of The Storm (07:23)
07 Wodensthrone - The Name Of The Win (13:28)
08 Drudkh - Only the wind remembers my name (03:59)
09 Brasillach - La mort en face (intermède) (01:55)
10 Woods of Desolation - The Inevitable End (09:09)
7 February 13, 16:20
VA - Abondance (2013)
Artist: VA
Album: Abondance
Year: 2013
Style: Martial, Black Metal, Folk Metal
Country: Various
01 Triarii - Ode to the Sun (04:30)
02 Heidevolk - Furor Teutonicus (05:16)
03 Absurd - Gates of Heaven (03:14)
04 Gallowbraid - Ashen Eidolon (14:38)
05 Eliwagar - Sacred Mead From the Pagan Mountains (03:58)
06 Gernotshagen - Weltenbrand (08:32)
07 Von Thronstahl - Heimatfreund-Staatsfeind (03:20)
08 Agalloch - The Watcher's Monolith (11:46)
09 Skyforger - Sen Dzirdeju Nu Ieraugu (02:35)
10 Yggdrasil - I Nordens Rike (08:52)
7 February 13, 15:29
VA - +Naissance+ (2013)
Artist: VA
Album: Naissance
Year: 2013
Style: Black Metal, Folk Metal, Ambient
Country: Various
01 Ils Ecrivent Une Histoire Truquée - They Write A Rigged History (intermède) (00:48)
02 Dordeduh - Dojaná (04:45)
03 Khors - Sacrament of Buyan (05:30)
04 Grimoire - Ostara (08:04)
05 Lord Wind - Freya come to us! (07:19)
06 Maglor - Call of the Forest (11:33)
07 Winterfylleth - Children Of The Stones (04:45)
08 Burzum - Jóln (05:54)
09 Müldeponie - Forests Are Burning By The Light (07:37)
10 Dark Forest - Northmen of the New World (07:02)
11 Finsterforst - Stirbt zuletzt (10:19)
85 - 112 of 276
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